
Showing posts from 2021

Let's Talk About Machine Learning and Traditional Programming

Commonly, when we are browsing the web, usually we see a lot of information related to our searches, likes and preferences, and the most common thing we hear or think about is: That's the Artificial Intelligence recommending content for us. Or something like: This is the Machine Learning Process analyzing and learning from us. Both approaches are partially right, because most of the websites and applications we use today, have at least 1 Machine Learning Based Algorithm, which usually, uses the data we generate to learn about us. But also, although machine learning is not Artificial Intelligence by itself, the truth is that it is part of this branch of Computer Science, and as one of the many applications of Machine Learning, this "Artificial Intelligence" will recommend things and contents to us. But now, let's grasp the matter here. What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence, focused on creating and implementing algorithm

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning: A Short Analysis

Have you ever wonder what is Artificial Intelligence?, what is Machine Learning?, what is Deep Learning?, are them all the same? or how are them related? Well, in this post i'll help you up to understand what are those amazing concepts, how are them related and what are the differences between them. Let's get started! What is Artificial Intelligence? Well, this is a concept a little hard to explain at first because there are a lot of confusions between Artificial Intelligence and General Artificial Intelligence, but let's define them and spot the differences. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Is a sub-field of the Computer Sciences, focused on give a machine the ability to learn by itself without being programmed with rules and constraints. The main goal of AI it's to give machines a human like behavior in terms of data and signals analysis, processing and interpretations, and even more complex things such as have feelings and emotions. General Artificial In